Drinking lots of Coffee reduces risk of Cancer in Womb

Women who drink a lot of coffee have less chance of contracting cancer of the womb, according to the Japanese Health Ministry which conducted a study on 45 thousand women between the ages of 40 and 69. The research lasted 15 years and 117 women died from cancer of the womb. The researchers of the Japanese National Cancer Centre divided the woman into four groups on the basis of their caffeine intake and discovered that those who drank more than three cups of coffee a day had a 60% less chance of developing tumours in the uterus compared to those who drank coffee less than two times a week.

Coffee can reduce insulin levels and reduce the risk of cancer?, explained the researchers. The tem of doctors also examined the effects of green tea on health but found that it had no bearing on the chances of developing cancer in the womb, the fourth most common cancer among women.

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